Era Business School

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The Company is under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process w.e.f. May 8, 2018. For more details kindly go to Corporate Announcements tab provided at

Fee Structure

Total Course Fee: Rs. 6.00 Lacs to be paid in four installments as follows along with Rs. 20, 000 (Refundable Security Deposit at the time of admission)

Installment Amount (  ) Fee Deposit Date
Installment I 150,000 At the time of Admission
Installment II 150,000 15th December 2012
Installment III 150,000 15th July 2013
Installment IV 150,000 15th December 2013

Bank Loans

Most banks in the country offer attractive education loans for students. For the benefit of students at EBS, we have tied up with some of the premier public and private sector banks of India to process Fast track Loan disbursal, list of which is available with the Accounts Officer.